OC Fair Fun Run 5K Recap

Yesterday morning was the OC Fair Fun Run 5K. Overall, this was a great race. The course was flat, it was fun running through the fairgrounds, and there were plenty of goodies for particpants, including the free ticket to the fair.

One of the cons was that the line to get your goodie bag/tshirts was very long and not very organized.

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Also, this is a fun run, so I wasn’t expecting corrals or anything, but they didn’t even try to seperate runners from walkers. So my first mile was SLOW. Unless I was willing to fight my way through the walker/runner mish mash, I was going to have to just deal, so my entire first mile was a very SLOW jog.

Start line AKA Mish Mash of Runner’s & Walkers

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After mile one, the path was cleared of walkers and the the rest of the time was just great fun running through the empty fair!

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They had “fun detours” where you could play some carinval games or go down the giant slide but I passed because as I suspected, there were super long lines for every detour.

My time was just okay. That first jammed mile really threw a wrench in my overall time, but I made up for it with my speed in the last 2 miles.

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They had tons of goodies at the end too. Plenty of drink options, fresh fruit, and great freebies at the mini expo.

AND, guess who I found at the finish line??? POM RUNNER GUY! Remember him? I saw him at the OC Half Marathon where he ran the entire race with his Pom! They were there yesterday too! He was nice enough to stop for a photo again 🙂

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I was just so excited to be out at a race again earning some bling!

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Next stop, Disneyland Half Marathon! Gotta get busy on my running outfit!

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